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Kaus, A.; Boening, W.
BEAM - Geoelectrical Ahead Monitoring for TBM-Drives
BEAM is a non-intrusive focused-electrical induced polarisation ground prediction technique, permanently operating while TBM tunnelling. Main components of the survey system are the measuring unit placed in the TBM operator cabin and special adapted excavation tools which are used as electrodes. The unit is connected to the guidance system and receives the boring signal which allows fully automatic data acquisition and visualisation in real-time on an integrated monitor. Communication facilities transfer the forecast results to every accredited computer world wide simultaneously. Based on the measuring data the percentage frequency effect PFE and the resistivity R, an advanced evaluation software is established for geoelectrical-geological/hydrogeological classification and interpretation. Selected case studies from international TBM projects are outlined with prediction results of different kinds of exploration targets and geological situations. Since 2000 the geophysical probing system is fulfilling the practical demands under the rough and various conditions of TBM tunnelling work by indicating reliable results in hard rock as well as in soft ground.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 1 (2008), Heft 5
Seite/n:     442-449
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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