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Innerhofer, G.
Action of Force on Rock Mass by Crack Water Pressure
The formula of effective stress used in soil mechanics is adapted to the properties of rock mass by implementation of the wetting factor and the Saint-Venant factor. The wetting factor defines the area over which a hydrostatic force can actually be developed, the Saint Venant factor defines the component of this force which is balanced by reduction of the effective stress in the crack zone. Here, the consequences of this concept are discussed with respect to uniaxial, plain stress and a continuum mechanical model. The effect of the concept is considered in relation to the state of stress in crack zones, and in the adjacent rock mass, and on the action of forces on the system. The development of crack propagation and of shear failure is discussed. The intention is to contribute towards a basic understanding of the complex effects of water pressure in rock masses, applicable to engineering practice.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 1 (2008), Heft 6
Seite/n:     583-589
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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