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Formwork pressure induced by highly flowable concretes - material investigations and large-scale tests
This paper documents the results of a joint research project dealing with the loading of formwork systems used with highly flowable concretes. First calculation approaches concerning the pressure of fresh concrete on vertical formwork were developed on the basis of the investigations conducted on the material behaviour of highly flowable concretes. In doing so, construction management questions regarding, for instance, process design and quality assurance in the application of highly flowable concretes were also investigated. Different scientists from German research institutes collaborated in a research group to pool their knowledge in the field of the pressure of fresh concrete. Because of the extent and complexity of the tasks to be tackled, the joint research project was divided into five subprojects (A to E), which were performed by the research institutes according to their individual respective capacities.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 12 (2011), Heft 4
Seite/n:     270-280
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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