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Dimakogianni, Danai; Dougka, Georgia; Vayas, Ioannis; Karydakis, Phaedon
Innovative seismic-resistant steel frames (FUSEIS 1-2) - experimental analysis
Two innovative systems of seismic-resistant steel frames with dissipative fuses were developed within the European Research Programme “FUSEIS”. The first, named FUSEIS 1, resembles a shear wall, whereas in the second system, named FUSEIS 2, the devices are made by introducing a discontinuity into the composite beams of a moment-resisting frame. The main advantage of “FUSEIS” compared with conventional systems is that inelastic deformations are strictly concentrated and controlled in zones that constitute easily replaceable fuses. The dissipative elements can be positioned in small areas of the building and do not interrupt the architectural plan as braces do. Another advantage of the system is the possibility of easy installation and removal within the structure.
This article presents the results of the experimental and analytical investigations of the innovative energy dissipation system FUSEIS 1. The system consists of two closely spaced strong columns connected by dissipative beams within each storey. In order to enhance the stiffness, strength and energy dissipation capacity of the system, several fuses are provided within each storey. During a strong seismic event, the dissipative zones are formed within the pins while the other parts of the structure remain elastic and protected.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 5 (2012), Heft 4
Seite/n:     212-221
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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