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Jiang, Wei; Gong, Jian; De Schutter, Geert; Huang, Yulin; Yuan, Yong
Time-dependent analysis during construction of concrete tube for tower high-rise building
Vertical and differential deformations in super-high-rise buildings are extremely important during construction. In order to be able to adjust the construction process accurately, taking the deformations into account, such deformations must be calculated exactly. The analysis of the vertical deformations of the high-rise Shanghai World Financial Centre building is illustrated in this paper. The prediction models of CEB-FIP 90 are used for calculating shrinkage and creep. The fictitious degree of hydration method has been applied for calculating the creep behaviour of the early-age concrete. The influence of steel bars on the vertical deformations has been analysed based on the macroscopical modulus method. Calculation of the vertical deformations includes the pre-construction and the post-construction deformations. Finally, the differential deformation between the concrete and the mega-structure column is determined. Theoretical results for the vertical displacement of this super-high-rise building agree very well with field monitoring data.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 13 (2012), Heft 4
Seite/n:     236-247
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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