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Test and finite element analysis of gusset plate anchorage for cable-stayed bridges
Gusset plate anchorage devices are widely used in long-span cable-stayed bridges with steel girders because the force in the cable can be transferred directly to the main girder via the gusset plate, which is very convenient for inspection and maintenance. The disadvantage is the severe stress concentration between gusset plate and steel tube, and the cruciform joint between gusset plate, top flange and web of main girder. This paper presents the static analysis of and experimental research into a gusset plate anchorage device. The magnitude and stress distribution of each load case were analysed very carefully, and the stress history of typical points was also monitored to indicate the structural behaviour. Under the load of the maximum design cable force, the anchorage device exhibits linear elastic behaviour on the whole. The von Mises stress at some monitored points reaches the yield stress when the load is 1.28 times the maximum design cable force. Ultrasonic inspection of the test model revealed no strength cracking or plate buckling, which indicates that the safety margin of the anchorage device is sufficient and complies with the requirements of bridge design code. By comparing calculations and test results it could be proved that FEM can be utilized for the structural analysis of gusset plate anchorage devices and that the calculation accuracy exceeds 70 % for most monitored points.
Erschienen in:     Stahlbau 82 (2013), Heft 4
Seite/n:     313-321
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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