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Design for punching of prestressed concrete slabs
Prestressing in flat slabs helps to control deformations and cracking under service loads and allows the required slab thickness to be reduced, thus leading to more slender structures and an economic solution for long spans. However, as a consequence of the limited thickness of these members, punching typically governs at the ultimate limit state. Studies of the punching shear strength have shown that the presence of prestressing in flat slabs has a number of potential beneficial effects, namely the vertical component (force) carried by inclined tendons, the in-plane compression stresses and the bending moments developed near the supported region. However, the approach provided by codes of practice for punching design in the presence of prestressing may differ significantly. Some codes neglect the influence of the bending moments introduced as a result of prestressing and the sections at which the deviation forces of the tendons are considered may be located at different distances from the edge of the supported region. The influence of prestressing on the punching shear strength of members without shear reinforcement is investigated in this paper by using the fundamentals of the critical shear crack theory. Using that as a basis, and also taking into account 65 tests available in the scientific literature, the suitability and accuracy of a number of design codes, e.g. Model Code 2010, Eurocode 2 and ACI 318-11, are investigated and compared.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 14 (2013), Heft 2
Seite/n:     157-167
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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