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Khazraiyan, Najmeh; Liaghat, Gholam Hossein; Khodarahmi, Hossein
Normal impact of hard projectiles on concrete targets
This research study involves obtaining an analytical model for the perforation of unreinforced concrete targets by a hemispherical hard projectile. Dynamic cavity expansion theory and the reflection of compressive waves from the end of the concrete targets are used for developing the analytical model. The effect of the friction coefficient is also investigated in the analysis. Numerical modelling of the problem has been performed in LS-DYNA code for validating the analytical results. Johnson-Holmquist concrete and rigid material models have been employed for the concrete and the projectile respectively. The impact velocity range considered in this work is between 250 and 850 m/s. No projectile erosion is considered in this range. The analytical results have been compared with numerical results and show good agreement with numerical simulations.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 14 (2013), Heft 2
Seite/n:     176-183
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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