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Proceedings of the 62nd Geomechanics Colloquium

Power water conduit
H. Krenn, M. Roner, M. Bauert: Deformation measurement and longterm behaviour of passive prestressed pressure tunnels, a case study of the Niagara Tunnel Facility Project
R. Gerstner, E. Netzer, A. Vigl: Long time behaviour of pressure tunnels
A. Vigl, R. Gerstner, F. Bartimoccia: Headrace and trailrace tunnels of “Beles” HPP in Ethopia
M. Lumetzberger, C. Kitzler: Detailed assessment of the pressure tunnel Baerenwerk for rehabilitation of the hydropower plant
P. Leblhuber, P. Bonapace: Renewal of the pressure shaft for HPP Kaunertal - Site investigation and grouting concept
A. Schleiss: More competitive pumped-storage projects by the use of vertical pressure shafts without steel liners

Special measures in soft ground
C. Kummerer: Building protection for innercity tunnel excavation for the Metro in Rome
C. Vrettos, G. Vassilakopoulou: Design and application of specialist foundation methods for the deep excavations of the Metro Thessaloniki
J. Cook, A. Nikolic: Overcoming below ground congestion with a D-shaped pile
J. Seegers, J. Schmeiser, P. Erdmann:Metroline U5 Berlin, section Alexanderplatz to Brandenburger Tor - Challenges for design due to complex geotechnical conditions
A. Strauss , S. Papakonstantinou: Cross passages in soil - ground freezing, segment support, excavation and displacement monitoring for segmental lining
H. Gamsjäger, J. Satina: Special measures in soft ground - A particular field conflict in tunnelling contracts

International large projects
S. K. Mohanty, O. Sigl, F. Krenn, G. Höfer-Öllinger: Underground crude oil storage projects in India
A. Stärk, M. Fischer: Controlling of SCL in urban areas in the UK, case history Crossrail contract C510
V. Nasri: Design and construction of the Second Avenue Subway Project in New York
K. Rabensteiner, S. Notarianni: Cityringen - Safe expansion of Metro Copenhagen
G. Gobiet, O. K. Wagner: The New Semmering Tunnel

Challenge shaft
J. Classen, B. Künstle, M. MacNab: Mechanised shaft sinking - State of the art and future developments
C. Dalios, T. Hilgenberg: Challenges in shaft logistics
E. Dorn, O. Kaledin: Modern and innovative shaft sinking technology on examples of current mining projects
B. Moritz, N. Radoncic, A. Helmberger, R. Uschan: Construction shaft of the Koralm Tunnel KAT 2: A challenge in structural analysis, geotechnics and logistics
J. Pircher, W. Pacher, E. Neugschwandtner: HPP-Kaunertal - Shafts for the new power desecent
H. Höfle: Gotthard Base Tunnel Sedrun - Experience gained during construction and operation of 2 shafts
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 6 (2013), Heft 4
Seite/n:     380
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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