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Alani, Amir M.; Aboutalebi, Morteza; Kilic, Gokhan
Use of non-contact sensors (IBIS-S) and finite element methods in the assessment of bridge deck structures
The main objective of this investigation is to provide an alternative method for the damage detection and assessment of bridge structures based on comparisons between finite element (FE) modelling/analysis and field data. The field data reported in this paper refers to the use of a non-destructive structural testing method (IBIS-S sensor system - displacement/movement-detection sensors with interferometric capabilities) and visual inspections. The FE models developed and presented in this study demonstrate certain degrees of reliability in terms of predicting the mechanical behaviour of the bridge structure under investigation. The FE models were developed using the ANSYS software package. This investigation also provides a detailed report on the application of the field survey that was carried out on a rather heavily used bridge located in Chatham, Kent, UK. The field data concerning the IBIS-S sensors correspond to subjecting the bridge to different static and dynamic loading conditions. The static and dynamic structural responses of the bridge were created by driving a lorry up and down the bridge. The same loading conditions were then simulated using the FE model developed to verify the sensitivity of the model. This FE model was then used to study the response of the bridge to other loading conditions. It is believed that the proposed method could potentially be used for assessing bridge structures within the context of the health monitoring of structures.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), Heft 2
Seite/n:     240-247
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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