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Brameshuber, Wolfgang; Saenger, Dorothea; Winkels, Bernd
Recent developments in masonry construction / Neuere Entwicklungen im Mauerwerkbau
Thanks to innovative ideas, it has been possible in recent years to advance the development of masonry construction. In response to the stricter requirements for the thermal insulation of buildings, the thermal insulation properties of masonry are continually being improved. Larger masonry units, improved mortar application techniques and prefabricated wall elements all make it possible to improve the efficiency of masonry construction and counteract the increase in labour costs. In parallel to the development of the material, the behaviour of the built masonry and its components when subjected to load is analysed in ever greater detail, in many cases using numerical models. The objective is a better understanding of the load-bearing behaviour of masonry in order to be able to use its various components more efficiently and hence to save material.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 18 (2014), Heft 3
Seite/n:     151-163
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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