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Korte, Sara; Boel, Veerle; De Corte, Wouter; De Schutter, Geert
Behaviour of fatigue loaded self-compacting concrete compared to vibrated concrete
Fatigue loading and its sometimes inevitable fatigue failure are common in many civil engineering construction projects. The behaviour of vibrated concrete (VC) under this type of loading is well understood. However, the fracture and fatigue resistance of self-compacting concrete (SCC) is poorly documented in literature. Considering the substantially different composition of the two concrete types (VC and SCC), it is uncertain whether their mechanical properties are similar or not. This paper describes the results of a series of destructive static and cyclic four-point bending tests on inverted T-shaped reinforced concrete beams, made from VC and SCC in equal quantities and of equal compressive strength. A comparison of the two concrete types is made, based on deflection, strain, crack width evolution and failure mechanism. The experiments prove that these mechanical properties of VC and SCC, subjected to a fatigue load, in some cases relate differently from a static loading process. Furthermore, the results reveal a faster concrete strain and crack width development for SCC during the fatigue tests. Regarding the number of cycles to failure, the applied load level is crucial.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), Heft 4
Seite/n:     575-589
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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