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Wang, Lijie; Caspeele, Robby; Van Coile, Ruben; Taerwe, Luc
Extension of tabulated design parameters for rectangular columns exposed to fire taking into account second-order effects and various fire models
Fire, as one of the most severe load conditions, has an important impact on concrete structures. Not only does a fire affect the material strength, it affects structural stiffness and stability as well. A concrete column, compared with other structural members, in most cases has to cope with both vertical forces and bending moments transferred by slabs and beams. Consequently, it is essential to find a reliable and practical way of establishing interaction curves for the overall structural behaviour of concrete columns subjected to fire. In this paper, a cross-sectional calculation method based on the material models of Eurocode 2 is explained and adopted in order to calculate interaction curves for a typical rectangular column exposed to the ISO 834 standard fire. Subsequently, an iterative approach is introduced to develop interaction curves taking into account second-order effects in the case of all the four faces of a column exposed to fire. The maximum permissible slenderness ratios for columns in different fire durations are obtained and compared with Eurocode 2 provisions. Finally, this method is used to calculate the maximum permissible slenderness ratios for columns exposed to hydrocarbon and natural fires.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 16 (2015), Heft 1
Seite/n:     17-35
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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