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Naumann, Kai
Field report on application of the dimensioning procedure according to E DIN 4109-2 / Erfahrungsbericht zur Anwendung des Bemessungsverfahrens nach E DIN 4109-2
For several years, the sound insulation ratings for multi-storey buildings have been in transition and are being brought into line with the European calculation method according to EN 12354:2000. The drafts of DIN 4109 have been available since November 2013. The forecasting procedure for the expected airborne sound insulation in solid buildings will change considerably by comparison to the regulations in Supplement 1 to DIN 4109:1989.
In recent years, the building acoustics testing unit of Xella Technologie- und Forschungsgesellschaft mbH has carried out numerous quality tests to determine the acoustic insulation of apartment partitioning walls and apartment partitioning floors in apartment buildings. The exterior walls of the buildings reviewed consist exclusively of plastered, autoclaved aerated concrete block walls. The interior walls were made primarily of autoclaved aerated concrete or limestone blocks. In a few cases, dry constructed or reinforced concrete inner walls were present. A comparison is presented between the test results of these quality tests and the design values of the assessed sound reduction index R’w according to E DIN 4109-2:2013. During these tests, a discussion took place on the uncertainty that must be incorporated in the calculation so as to achieve an adequately high level of planning assurance.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 19 (2015), Heft 2
Seite/n:     119-129
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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