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Schoch, Torsten
The M1 Energy-efficiency building Plus - Conclusion of monitoring / Das M1 Energieeffizienzhaus Plus - Abschluss des Monitorings
The M1 energy-efficiency building Plus was to render practical proof that the advantages of solid construction such as carrying capacity, fire protection and sound protection could be connected to state-of-the-art and future energy efficiency standards in the scope of a pilot project. With simple and thought-through planning details and a coordinated system technology, energy plus solid houses are no longer merely visions. The M1 project mostly focuses on the claim to economic efficiency and saleability of the product, points out new possibilities for implementation to consumers, planners and executing companies.
The house is to document, that the means available now are sufficient to construct a solid building that produces more energy than it consumes. In the technical term of construction physics, the building is targeted at a negative final energy and primary energy consumption.
The data presented in this article from the monitoring of the last two years show that a plus energy target can be achieved by “nearly” conventionally built solid buildings. For both years, the M1 pus energy house reached an excess of final and primary energy.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 19 (2015), Heft 2
Seite/n:     93-109
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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