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Hajali, Masood; Alavinasab, Ali; Shdid, Caesar Abi
Effect of the location of broken wire wraps on the failure pressure of prestressed concrete cylinder pipes
The effect of the location of broken prestressing wire wraps on the overall strength of prestressed concrete cylinder pipes (PCCP) is investigated here. An advanced computational model based on non-linear finite element analysis is used to study three possible locations of broken wire wraps: at the spigot joint, at the bell joint and in the barrel of the pipe. A sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the cracking of the concrete core and the yielding of the prestressing wires and steel cylinder with increasing internal pressure and with an increasing number of broken wire wraps. Two classes of 2.44 m embedded cylinder pipe (ECP) were modelled with 5, 35, 70, and 100 wire wrap breaks. The results show that broken wire wraps at the joint, and especially the spigot joint, decrease the overall strength of PCCP more so than those at the bell joint or in the barrel of the pipe. The intensity of this effect increases with increasing internal pressure and with a larger number of broken wire wraps.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 16 (2015), Heft 2
Seite/n:     297-303
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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