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Hagberg, Thore
Do EN 1992-1-1 and the European Concrete Platform comply with tests? Commentary on the rules for strut-and-tie models using corbels as an example
EN 1992 [1] is currently under revision. In that context it is justified to pass a critical eye over the standard, particularly if the models and resistance functions for the ultimate limit state comply with results from tests. The present contribution is limited to S&T models. The results of the analysis will primarily have relevance to corbels; however, some conclusions are general and should be considered when choosing the mathematical model for any S&T model. Ref. [1] is not sufficiently detailed to provide a basis for the complete design of, for example, corbels. The European Concrete Platform [2], which contains worked examples, has been prepared in accordance with and to support [1].
The two topics dealt with are 1) selection of the main model, and 2) details and use of the S&T model in [1] and [2], and particularly its ability to predict results from tests. The tests for the analysis are taken from a thorough study described in [3]. To evaluate results from using [1] and [2], a concept for the design of corbels suggested earlier has been used to calculate the same tests [4].
It will be claimed that the models in [1] and [2] and their ability to predict the outcome of tests have some flaws compared with calculations according to [4]. The detailed calculations are given in annexes, i.e. Part 1 for design according to [1] and [2] and Part 2 for design according to [4]. The annexes as well as [4] can be obtained from the publisher or the author.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 16 (2015), Heft 3
Seite/n:     418-427
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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