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Stanislaw Urban, Tadeusz; Goldyn, Michal Marcin
Behaviour of eccentrically loaded high-strength concrete columns intersected by lower-strength concrete slabs
This paper presents the results of experimental investigations of high-strength concrete edge and corner columns intersected by concrete slabs. The effect of the intersection by weaker slab concrete on the load-carrying capacities of reinforced concrete columns is investigated. The only parameter considered was the location of the column with respect to the edge of the slab. It is stated that providing a small slab overhang beyond the column edge makes it possible to increase the actual strength of the joint concrete significantly. The results of the authors' research clearly demonstrate that providing a sufficiently large slab overhang allows the designer to treat edge and corner column-slab connection joints in the same way as internal joints. Existing code provisions concerning strength of concrete in edge and corner column-slab connection joints are in some cases too conservative and require clarification.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 16 (2015), Heft 4
Seite/n:     480-495
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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