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The European requirements for fire safety design and testing of structural masonry members are already the governing requirements in many cases. In principle, both the European and the German classification may be used according to the Bauregelliste. However, the latter may only be used when European classification of a member or construction material is not possible because the appropriate European standards do not exist. The European standards do not differ fundamentally from the German standard DIN 4102-2. One significant difference is that according to the DIN 4102-2, it was required to carry out two tests with the most unfavourable result governing, while according to the European standard, only one test is required. According to the EN Standard, the tests for fire resistance and the reaction to fire are carried out separately. There are other differences related to the pressure in the furnace as well as the use of plate thermocouples instead of jacketed thermocouples. Fire safety design of masonry is carried out in accordance with EC 6-1-2 and the National Annex. Only the members not regulated in the EC 6-1-2, e.g. pre-cast masonry members, non-load-bearing walls, lintels, connections and joints, should be designed and checked according to the revised DIN 4102-4.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 20 (2016), Heft 1
Seite/n:     49-63
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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