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Lorenc, Wojciech
Non-linear behaviour of steel dowels in shear connections with composite dowels: design models and approach using finite elements
The theoretical background to the elastic design of steel dowels is presented in [1], what constitutes the basis for Fatigue Limit State (FLS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS) are given. In this paper assumptions for Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and mechanical models are presented for both shapes covered by the German National Technical Approval [2]. The yield strength of steel is assumed in the plastic design of steel dowels, contrary to the tensile strength of steel used in the case of headed studs. A dis cussion on this aspect is presented using results obtained by finite elements which are presented in [3]. Hence, a consistent approach for ULS, SLS and FLS is established which is based on the statement that the resistance of a unit length of a shear connection with steel dowels does not depend on the size of the dowels and the ductility of the connection is a linear function of the dowel size.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 9 (2016), Heft 2
Seite/n:     98-106
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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