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How to certify in offshore wind - Risk mitigation on a new level
This paper introduces the new service specifications for project, type and component certification of wind turbines and power plants including a full overview on standards and recommended practices. The service specification applying to type certification of wind turbines as well as for component certification was published in summer 2016, the one for project certification of power plants at the end of 2015. The experiences gathered from certification projects in on- and offshore wind realised over the last years has been taken into account for these new service specifications. Correspondingly the project, type and component certification schemes have been adapted to meet market needs and expectations. But in course of the update of the whole scheme much more effort was taken to get to the next level of certification and standardization; beyond modules and elements of certification this includes all technical aspects laid down in standards and recommended practices.
Erschienen in:     Stahlbau 85 (2016), Heft 9
Seite/n:     630-635
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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