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di Prisco, Marco; Martinelli, Paolo; Dozio, Daniele
The structural redistribution coefficient KRd: a numerical approach to its evaluation
Structures made of a material with a very high standard deviation, such as fibre-reinforced concrete, exhibit an exceptionally safe prediction of the maximum bearing capacity when this is derived from characteristic values identified by means of small specimens. This is emphasized when the structures are characterized by high redundancy. In this regard, two reference tests representing two extreme situations are considered: a) simply supported unnotched full-scale beams characterized by a statically determinate loading scheme and b) full-scale slabs on the ground characterized by a statically indeterminate loading scheme. The Italian standard and, more recently, the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 have introduced a coefficient (structural redistribution factor) that is able to take into account the reduced variability of mechanical bearing capacity when associated with a large volume involved in the failure process and/or when the structure is able to redistribute stresses significantly, thus favouring the average rather than the minimum strength. A numerical procedure taking into account the expected heterogeneity of the mechanical characteristics in the structure is introduced for the first time to evaluate the redistribution factor.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 17 (2016), Heft 3
Seite/n:     390-407
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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