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Schermer, Detleff
Design according to Eurocode 6 in practice / Bemessung nach Eurocode 6 in der Praxis
For the structural design of masonry according to Eurocode 6 with the associated German national annex, the simplified method and the further simplified calculation method in Annex A are available. These procedures provide tools that can be used in practice to design standard cases quickly and easily. One feature of the verification of masonry walls under compressive loading is that no bending moments in the walls have to be determined as part of the determination of section forces and moments since the verification of the load-bearing capacity of the wall is based solely on the acting vertical force. The effects of floor end restraint and buckling are dealt with by simple equations. One new feature of verification according to Eurocode 6 is that the effect of partially supported floors on the load-bearing capacity of the wall can be included directly. The code is compact and simple to use and the further simplified calculation method is predestined for verification by manual calculation.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 21 (2017), Heft 1
Seite/n:     20-25
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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