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Salehi, Hamidreza

Experiments in structural engineering can play an important role in the prediction and characterization of the material properties and behaviour of structural components. In order to cover all aspects in tests and use the results for design purposes, several methods have been included in EN 1990 Annex D for design based on test data. The calculation of characteristic values and design values for material resistance are the main aspects. In this study, the recommended methods in Annex D of EN 1990 for resistance of the material will be used to extract the partial safety factors for masonry structures based on the formulation of design and characteristic values. A database including more than 100 tests on unreinforced masonry shear walls will be used to evaluate the results. The resistance model for shear walls based on the recommendation in the Eurocode will be compared with the test results. The main aim will be to compare the model prediction and the test results. Deviation of the prediction from the test is caused by model error or model uncertainty. The test database includes results for three types of masonry units - fired clay, calcium silicate and autoclaved aerated concrete. The evaluation of partial factors for masonry shear models will be undertaken based on the scatter and the model bias for the whole database. Further analysis will also be performed for each type of masonry unit for classification of the outcome.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 22 (2018), Heft 2
Seite/n:     103-112
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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