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Kranzler, Thomas; Hannig, Antje; Meyer, Udo

The German associations Verband für Dämmsysteme, Putz und Mörtel (VDPM), Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mauerziegel and Bundesverband Leichtbeton have published a new leaflet “Mauerwerk mit Dünnbettmörtel” [Masonry with thin-layer mortar] [1]. This compact guide offers 8 pages of helpful tips and important information concerning the application of thin-layer mortar with high-precision masonry units or high-precision blocks of lightweight concrete or clay. The leaflet contains terms and definitions, requirements for the thin-layer mortar, the units and the masonry and the different forms of delivery of thin-layer mortar. The main parts of the leaflet are the explanations of laying (levelling layer, blocklaying with thin-layer mortar, working time, methods of application, head joints...). Notes regarding occupational health and safety protection complete the leaflet. The following article describes the essential content of the leaflet with further information.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 22 (2018), Heft 6
Seite/n:     356-362
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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