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Gunkler, Erhard

The semi-probabilistic safety concept of divided safety factors for action and resistance of DIN EN 1990 [1] in combination with the structural design codes DIN EN 1996-1-1 [2] and DIN EN 1996-1-1/NA [3] include the requirement that acting normal forces NEd may not exceed the normal force resistances NRd for the structural design of masonry under bending compression. According to [3], fully plastic material behaviour can be assumed and the stress block used as the material law for masonry.
Building on this, design aids and their theoretical basis were presented in Part 1 of this scientific paper [4], which are comparable with the &ohgr; tables (called the &phgr; table here) and the general design diagram for massive construction.
The application of the design aids is described in this second part of this scientific paper through calculation examples and the connection with the calculation approaches of [3] is made clear.
The relation to the reduction factor &phgr;m, which covers effects of 2nd order theory, is also obtained. With known values of the load eccentricities according to 1st and 2nd order theory, the design task becomes the analysis of the loadbearing capacity of the masonry section at half wall height. Knowing &phgr;m, the load eccentricity e2 and the additional moment according to 2nd order theory can subsequently be determined, which does not ensue from the calculation equations of [3].
With the general design diagram, the values of compression zone height and the assumed load eccentricities of the acting normal forces, which result from the reset rule for masonry sections with high load eccentricities, can be directly read off, greatly improving the clarity of this procedure.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 1
Seite/n:     3-15
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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