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In Germany manufacturing and distribution of bricks care for direct employment of about 10,000 persons. Procurement of preliminary work and the utilisation of the payed salaries, social security contributions, taxes, and profits secure more than further 25,000 jobs. It can be assumed that a substitution of masonry by other building materials is not possible in the near term, since the masonry has increased its market share in the past few years even slightly. Thereby the masonry participates in the added value based on the shell construction of buildings in the amount of 32.4 billion Euro, and in the employment of 480,000 working people. The expansion of these buildings leads to further added value in the amount of 39 billion Euro and further employment of 691, 000 employees.
In the year 2016 in total, the construction of buildings with masonry has led to an overall economic added value amounting to more than 70 billion Euro and to an employment of about 1.17 million persons. Masonry products form the basis of this added value and employment, without which the construction of the buildings would not be possible.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 23 (2019), Heft 2
Seite/n:     73-77
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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