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European design code for composite structures in steel and concrete - Historical development and investigation in the second generation of Eurocode 4
The Eurocodes (EC) represent European norms (EN) for the design and construction of building and bridge structures. The development of these European design codes is carried out on behalf of the European Union (EU) by the “European Committee for Standardization - CEN”. The Eurocodes have been in use for some years now. The motivation behind the development of the Eurocodes is the harmonization of the planning and design process for the structural components and construction elements of buildings and bridges all over Europe. Based on the experience gained through the use of the Eurocode conditions in recent years and many comments from industry, a revision of all parts of the Eurocode is currently in progress. The aim is to adapt the current design standards to the state of the art and research, to simplify the application and to harmonize the Eurocodes with each other. Finally, these modifications will be transferred to the second generation of European standards. An overview of the development phases and project teams is presented in this paper, accompanied by an insight into current standardization work and the technical discussions, mainly focusing on EN 1994-1-1.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 12 (2019), Heft 2
Seite/n:     70-81
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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