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Bardopoulos, Foivos; Papagiannopoulos, George; Pnevmatikos, Nikos
Design considerations for photovoltaic panel arrays made from aluminium: a case study - Design of photovoltaic panels with aluminium members
This paper presents the design considerations for typical photovoltaic panel arrays having aluminium members. Section and member design checks are performed according to Eurocode 9 on the basis of the wind, snow and seismic loads of Eurocodes 1 and 8. Improvements to the design are then sought, starting by reducing the distance between the vertical posts and then by changing the thickness of specific sections. Following that, the effects of member imperfections and connection flexibility are studied using a reduced flexural rigidity and different rotational stiffness values respectively. The degree of dynamic coupling when the array is placed on the top floor of an existing building as well as the influence of founding the vertical posts on compliant ground are also evaluated.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 13 (2020), Heft 1
Seite/n:     52-60
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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