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Xin, Haohui; Li, Jie; Veljkovic, Milan; Liu, Yuqing; Sun, Qing
Evaluating the strength of grade 10.9 bolts subject to multiaxial loading using the micromechanical failure index: MCEPS
Bolted joints in steel structures are generally subject to combined actions. The research on ultimate capacity of bolted joints under combined tension and shear actions, twin shear actions, and combined tension-twin shear actions is relatively limited. The aim of this paper is to calibrate the fracture locus of grade 10.9 bolts using the mesoscale critical equivalent plastic strain (MCEPS). We use ductile fracture simulation to numerically evaluate the ultimate resistance of bolts subject to multiaxial loading and compare the results with the current design standards. The results show that predictions for grade 10.9 bolts subject to multiaxial loading in Chinese code GB 50017 and American code AISC-360 are not on the safe side, while predictions in European code EN1993-1-8:2005 are slightly on the conservative side. We propose two modification factors to improve prediction of bolt strength subject to multiaxial loading; namely the multiaxial loading factor for shear resistance &xgr;v and the multiaxial loading factor for tensile resistance &xgr;t.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 15 (2022), Heft 3
Seite/n:     140-151
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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