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Harnpattanapanich, Thanu; Phienwej, Noppadol; Rodploy, Jitaphol; Monthanopparat, Nantapol; Tanomtin, Chawalit; Kongdang, Koson
Solving problem of encountering a huge cavern in a TBM drive for water diversion tunnel project in Northern Thailand
A huge cavern in a zone of thrusted and sheared clastic sedimentary rocks was encountered during drill and blast (D&B) and tunnel boring machine (TBM) excavation of water transfer tunnel in Thailand. The cavern floor made of thick and loose pile of fallen rock blocks hampered the advance of the TBM through it. Because the size of the cavern was large (50 m × 40 m) and the extent of the thickness of the pile of rock blocks could not be precisely determined, the adopted ramification was to solidify a zone of loose rock fragments around the tunnel alignment. This measure is to allow a safe TBM excavation passing the cavern and ensure the long-term function of the segmented concrete-lined tunnel to convey water without problem of loss from subsidence damage. The scheme of the solidification consisted of staged grouting that began with polyurethane (PU) foam grouting to form a bottom barrier of the intended cement grout zone. It was followed large void filling by flowable concrete and then cement injection for the remaining smaller voids. The work that took 8 months to complete started with the excavation of a bypass adit to the front of TBM cutterhead as an access to the cavern and the installation of dewatering and ventilation systems to the cavern so that the grouting work could be made.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 16 (2023), Heft 3
Seite/n:     304-311
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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