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Aras, F.
Assessment of a steel-based solution for the refurbishment of a historical palace
This study aims to present the details of an earthquake-based refurbishment for the historical masonry of Beylerbeyi Palace, which has masonry walls and timber floors. Both the linear and non-linear analyses of the three-storey structure have proven that the timber floor system of the palace causes the structural masonry walls to displace independently and not transmit lateral earthquake loads. One solution to this problem that was tried was the replacement of the timber floor system by steel truss floors. On the other hand, the historical importance of the palace and the minimum intervention principle in the refurbishment of the cultural building stock meant that this strategy had to be limited to the roof of the palace. In doing so, an easy installation process, an undamaged historical fabric and a reversible strategy was expected. In this respect, four different applications of steel floor systems have been investigated for the roof of Beylerbeyi Palace.
Source:     Steel Construction 3 (2010), No. 3
Page/s:     169-175
Language of Publication:     English

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