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Fehling, Ekkehard; Leutbecher, Torsten; Schmidt, Michael; Ismail, Mohammed
Grouted connections for offshore wind turbine structures, Part 2: Structural modelling and design of grouted connections
In many cases, the design checks of grouted connections follow international standards which contain analytical design equations. In order to also obey mechanical consistency especially for structures with significant bending moment and to satisfy basic requirements according to the Eurocodes, different mechanical models have been used in practice in a number of cases. In this regard, non-linear finite element models as well as analysis with strut and tie models have been applied. Findings from these calculations as well as from experimental investigations on both the material and the structural level are analysed and compared. In conclusion, an improved design approach based on a strut model which is easy to handle is presented and exemplified.
Source:     Steel Construction 6 (2013), No. 3
Page/s:     216-228
Language of Publication:     English

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