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Nozhova, Ekaterina
Between geometry and craft: the setting-out of the NiGRES Tower
In 1899 Vladimir Shuchov (1853-1939), the polymath Russian engineer, was awarded a patent covering the principles he had devised for hyperbolic lattice towers. These hyperbolic towers are constructed from an assembly of straight elements connected together with complex three-dimensional joints. However, their full geometry is difficult to discern from the (orthogonal) drawings still available. Until now, little was known about the technological advances that made these complex designs feasible. This paper presents an investigation into the mathematical principles and operational practices that may have been used for determining the actual geometry of individual elements for setting out and constructing the metal lattices, thus illuminating the conjunction of geometry and craft.
Source:     Steel Construction 7 (2014), No. 1
Page/s:     48-55
Language of Publication:     English

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