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Schoch, Torsten; Pallesen, Niels Jorgen

The development of EU regulations dealing with energy conservation will sooner or later lead to changes in all member states - usually involving stricter insulation targets. In all markets traditionally dominated by solid construction methods, this development may make it harder for the monolithic construction method to retain its market share, because both the physical and commercial limitations - to a certain extent - appear insurmountable. The obvious solution seems to be to resort to thicker insulation material. But there are other alternatives. One of them has been developed initially specifically for the Scandinavian market where the climate has traditionally dictated tough thermal insulation requirements. In Denmark for example, U-values of 0.15 W/(m²K) are considered standard today. With conventional thermal conductivity, this U-value presents a challenge even when using autoclaved aerated concrete if one wants to retain familiar, commercially viable wall dimensions. But there are other possibilities: the compound solution offered by the Ytong Energy+ block.
Source:     Mauerwerk 18 (2014), No. 3
Page/s:     169-175
Language of Publication:     English/German

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