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Won, Deok Hee; Park, Woo Sun; Jang, In-Sung; Han, Sang-Hun; Han, Taek Hee
Fire resistance performance of steel composite hollow RC column with inner tube under ISO 834 standard fire
An internally confined hollow RC (ICH RC) column offers strong and durable confinement owing to the reinforcement provided by the inner tube. The strength and ductility of the column are enhanced because of the continuous confining stress provided by the inner tube. The excellent structural performance of ICH RC columns makes them particularly suitable for applications in high-rise buildings. However, if a high-rise building is damaged by fire, it will collapse without fire resistance performance. Also, lack of evacuation measures endangers human life. Thus, to predict the status of structures in fires, their behaviour should be evaluated in terms of fire time. In this study, the fire resistance performance of an ICH RC column was analysed during an ISO 834 standard fire and with certain initial conditions. Furthermore, the effects of hollow ratio, thickness of inner tube and thickness of cover concrete on the fire resistance performance were analysed. The results could be used for designing fire-resistant ICH RC columns.
Source:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), No. 4
Page/s:     543-555
Language of Publication:     English

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