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Randl, Norbert; Kunz, Jakob
Post-installed reinforcement connections at ultimate and serviceability limit states
When reinforcing bars are post-installed in holes drilled in cured concrete, adhesive mortars are used to create a bond between concrete and bars. Appropriate adhesives can develop higher bond strengths than standard ribbed bars cast into concrete. A detailed design concept for the anchorage length of reinforcing bars has been developed by taking into account splitting/spalling of the concrete and pullout. Pullout and splitting tests on reinforcing bars set in concrete were carried out with different adhesive mortars and with varying concrete strengths and concrete covers. When higher bond strengths than those recommended for cast-in reinforcement are taken into account, it is important to check deformations and crack widths at the serviceability limit state (SLS) separately. For this reason, structural tests on slabs and corbels were carried out. Moreover, pullout tests on post-installed reinforcing bars were performed in order to measure displacements at service load level.
Source:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), No. 4
Page/s:     563-574
Language of Publication:     English

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