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Romero, Manuel L.; Cajot, Louis-Guy; Conan, Yves; Braun, Matthias
Fire design methods for slim-floor structures
Slim-floor beams are well-known, sustainable and economical solutions for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. However, despite their widespread use, Eurocode 4 contains no specific simplified calculation methods for the fire resistance of integrated and shallow floor beams. There is a clear need for an improved understanding of the performance of structures in fire plus clear and cost-effective design guidance. This paper presents a set of simplified rules for determining thermal fields in the lower flange, web, rebars and slab of slim or integrated floor beams. This calculation methodology is based on existing formulas taken from different parts of Eurocode 4 except for the temperature calculation in the lower flange, which is deduced from a parametrical study using the SAFIR software.
Source:     Steel Construction 8 (2015), No. 2
Page/s:     102-109
Language of Publication:     English

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