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Steige, Yvonne; Weynand, Klaus
Design resistance of end plate splices with hollow sections
This paper presents a design approach for calculating rectangular hollow section (RHS) splices (bolted end plate connections) under tension forces or bending moments in accordance with EN 1993-1-8. Based on models available in the literature, a Eurocode-conform model is presented using the component method. The original model, based on experimental and numerical investigations, uses a three-dimensional yield line method to predict the tension resistance of bolted splices with hollow sections considering the joint as a whole. The adapted model is fully compatible with EN 1993-1-8. Moreover, the original model has been extended to predict also the design moment resistance of such RHS splices.
Source:     Steel Construction 8 (2015), No. 3
Page/s:     187-193
Language of Publication:     English

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