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Breitschaft, Gerhard
CJEU Judgment, Standardisation and Eurocode 6 / EuGH-Urteil, Normung und Eurocode 6 - Aktuelle Fragen im Mauerwerksbau - Focus on current challenges for the masonry industry from a regulatory perspective / Eine Betrachtung aus bauaufsichtlicher Perspektive
This article reviews current challenges for the masonry industry from a regulatory perspective. First, the CJEU judgment and its consequences will be discussed. The judgment of 16 October 2014 will make fundamental changes in the German regulatory system necessary. How these will be implemented is not yet clear so that this article can only give an overview of the present situation (September 2015) in the discussions. What is clear is that the changes in the regulatory system will have repercussions in the field of standardisation. These repercussions will be outlined - in general and specifically for the masonry sector - in the second part of this article. Finally, the paper will look at the progress in the implementation of Eurocode 6 (Design of masonry structures).
Source:     Mauerwerk 20 (2016), No. 1
Page/s:     3-8
Language of Publication:     German

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