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Ungermann, Dieter; Holtkamp, Svenja; Rademacher, Dennis
Hot-dip galvanized composite dowel strips
This paper presents additional potential for the future economic development of composite dowel strips by using the durable and long-lasting corrosion protection of hot-dip galvanization. Based on the completed FOSTA research project P835 [5] on the use of hot-dip galvanizing for steel and composite bridge construction, the range of applications for hot-dip galvanizing will be transferred to composite dowel strips in composite bridges. Following a brief summary of the most important results of the previous project, where the corrosion protection duration and the influence of hot-dip galvanizing on the fatigue behaviour of steel were examined, the objectives and planned studies of the new research project will be presented. The currently ongoing FOSTA research project P1042 [8] was initiated by RWTH Aachen University and TU Dortmund University. The results should allow the safe use of hot-dip galvanized composite dowel strips in conjunction with cyclic loads.
Source:     Steel Construction 9 (2016), No. 3
Page/s:     179-183
Language of Publication:     English

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