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Sabanovic, Nedzad; Wannenmacher, Helmut; Stauch, Felix; Fentzloff, Wolfgang
Demands on digital data capturing of TBM and conventional tunnel drives
Tunnels are significant in shaping our future infrastructure. Increasing limitations of the available ground require underground solutions for future infrastructure projects. Due to various reasons, boundary conditions for project realization are becoming more and more substantial, and the parties involved have to tackle a wide range of stakeholders' interests. Digitization may be able to handle some of these challenges and is one of the most relevant topics in the near future of the construction industry. First approaches of digital data capturing in different activity fields of project execution, such as geological and geotechnical conditions, survey, and reporting, are launched within Implenia's initiative. This article discusses essential aspects of data capturing, particularly in the light of the vast data volumes generated throughout tunnel construction in Europe and gives an insight into the various activities of Implenia on how to tackle these problems. The various TBM and drill-and-blast excavated tunnel projects illustrate the variability of data management and implemented solutions to work with the tremendous amount of data. In each case, one can clearly state that construction teams involved in digital data management highly appreciated the merits for their daily business: saving time, gaining transparent information, controlling processes, and more. The beneficial capability of appropriate data management in project execution is evident and will be carried out within Implenia's projects.
Source:     Geomechanics and Tunnelling 15 (2022), No. 2
Page/s:     207-214
Language of Publication:     English/German

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