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Cover Picture: Steel Construction 1/2021
The building of the San Giorgio bridge in Genoa re-establishes the connection between autoroutes A10 and A7 after the tragic event of the Morandi bridge collapse of 14 August 2018.
The bridge deck layout required the use of a torsionally rigid section. This was achieved, in particular, with two longitudinal beams spaced 7.00 m apart, a curved, calendared soffit and a top slab made of composite concrete.
The new bridge was opened on 3 August 2020, finally revealing the idea of the architect, Renzo Piano: A big, white vessel moored in the valley, a bridge that enters a dialogue with the sea, with the wind, with light, a structure that encourages builders to continue building bridges as links between territories and symbols of union. (Sarcina, G. et al., pp. 14-21)
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 14 (2021), Heft 1
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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