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Krainer, A.; Perdan, R.; Krainer, G.
Retrofitting of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum
The paper presents the technological part of activities executed in the framework of MUSEUMS Project. Astonishingly good results are only the visible part of an iceberg. The working process reveals that the R&D part of the efforts was in our case positively oriented activity, while the real problems appeared on the side of performance of birocracy on all levels, engineering management, designers not being used to new approaches and companies involved in the construction works, especially installations. There were two main fields of interventions: construction with new envelope design, new heating-cooling wall panels system, which replaced the originally designed air condition system, and ventilation which is used for physiological and cooling purposes, as well as control and management system taking care as much as possible harmonization of the demands regarding temperature, humidity and air quality level, upgraded with permanent monitoring system. The authors are obliged to stress that the success of such projects depends on extensive collaboration of all involved partners from the very beginning.
Erschienen in:     Bauphysik 29 (2007), Heft 5
Seite/n:     350-365
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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