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Willerich, S.; Mair, V.; Thuro, K.
Hazard Map, Risk Assessment, Planning of Mitigation Measures and their Realization in Alpine Regions - Case Study of Cortaccia, South Tyrol
As part of a pilot-scheme that was initialised by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the municipality of Cortaccia was one of the first regions of South Tyrol to receive an area wide hazard map (HM). In 2007 the gradual elaboration of HM for all municipalities started after the completion of all pilot-schemes in several parts of South Tyrol. The experiences made in Cortaccia are taken into account for all these new and definite HM. During the past few years HM have established as a cartographic basis for clear-sighted urban and infrastructural planning in alpine areas. For the elaboration of HM the local risk must not be considered, i.e. without respect of the potential material damage in the wake of occurrence of natural hazards. But later on, the local management of the urban and infrastructural development as well as the planning of particular precautionary measures and targeted technical actions have to be carried out taking into account each location's specific risk. Almost three years after handing over the HM to the mayor of Cortaccia urban consequences for the municipality are described and the first precautionary measures and technical actions that were taken are presented.
Erschienen in:     Geomechanik und Tunnelbau 1 (2008), Heft 2
Seite/n:     139-148
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Deutsch

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