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Vatansever, C.; Yardimci, N.
Cyclic behavior and numerical modelling of a semi-rigid frame
It is clear that semi-rigid frames exhibit completely non-linear behaviour under cyclic loading due to gradual yielding of connection components. The current study presents the experimental results from the test of a semi-rigid frame specimen, comprising a single storey and one bay, and the analysis results obtained from a finite element model of the specimen. In this study, semi-rigid joints with header plates are used for beam-tocolumn connections. The initial stiffness and moment-carrying capacity of the connection, designed as a semi-rigid and partial strength connection type, were determined in accordance with Eurocode 3. In the modelling of the semi-rigid beam-to-column connection behaviour, four-parameter non-linear representation of the moment - rotation curve obtained using the Ramberg-Osgood formula was employed. Loading of the test specimen consisted of quasi-static cycles with displacement control. The cyclic response of the specimen is characterized by a stable hysteretic behaviour. When comparing the envelope of the hysteresis loops from the cyclic test of the specimen with the pushover curve achieved by non-linear finite element analysis, the model gives a good prediction of the ultimate strength and initial stiffness of the frame.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 3 (2010), Heft 3
Seite/n:     128-133
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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