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Fardis, Michael N.
Performance- and displacement-based seismic design and assessment of concrete structures in fib Model Code 2010
The scope of fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 includes the fully fledged performance- and displacement-based seismic design of new structures and assessment of existing ones. This part of fib Model Code 2010 covers buildings, bridges or similar concrete structures and aims to provide well-defined performance levels for specific seismic hazard levels. Detailing of members for ductility is not based on opaque prescriptions, as in current codes, but on transparent, explicit verification of inelastic deformation demands against capacity limits. The reference analysis method is non-linear dynamic, but under certain conditions inelastic deformation demands may be estimated from linear analysis and the 5%-damped elastic response spectrum; in that case force demands on force-controlled, brittle failure modes are estimated from the plastic mechanism through equilibrium. In order to predict the seismic deformation demands with some confidence, the analysis should use realistic values for the member secant stiffness up to the yield point. The paper explains the background to the expressions given for this property in fib Model Code 2010 as well as of those for the deformation limits used when verifying seismic deformation demands. The modifications to the shear resistance approach of fib Model Code 2010, which takes cyclic loading into account, are also explained and justified.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 14 (2013), Heft 3
Seite/n:     215-229
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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