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Lehmden, Alexander
Assessment of Dryfix masonry adhesive in terms of building physics compared to conventional bonding / Betrachtung der bauphysikalischen Gleichwertigkeit des Dryfix-Planziegel-Klebers
Dryfix masonry adhesive is celebrating its 10-year anniversary in 2014. The Dryfix system has been introduced to and approved in ten European countries: Austria, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Every year, 25.000 housing units throughout Europe are built with Dryfix.
In addition to the mechanical properties of the polyurethane adhesive, the properties of building physics such as thermal insulation, fire resistance and sound insulation were investigated in connection with brick masonry. On the basis of sound and fire tests with brick masonry walls, it was possible to demonstrate that the material is equivalent to conventional materials. In addition, the thermal insulation of brick masonry is improved because of the joint-less bond of the blocks and the omission of the mortar joint which acts as a thermal bridge. This report is intended to summarise the status of the building physics assessment and optimisation achieved in order to provide secure data for the practical application of Dryfix masonry adhesive.
Erschienen in:     Mauerwerk 18 (2014), Heft 3
Seite/n:     164-168
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch/Deutsch

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