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Belletti, Beatrice; Damoni, Cecilia; Hendriks, Max A. N.; de Boer, Ane
Analytical and numerical evaluation of the design shear resistance of reinforced concrete slabs
The aim of this research is to compare the predictions of the design load-carrying capacity of slabs obtained with simplified analytical and numerical procedures which can be readily used by analysts in the current design process. The research fits into a research programme initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment for the re-examination of the load-carrying capacity of existing bridges and viaducts, and the beams and slabs they include, through the use of non-linear finite-element analyses. The behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to concentrated loads close to their supports is investigated in this contribution. Three tests from a series of 18 slabs with a total of 108 tests, tested at Delft University of Technology, were selected as case studies and analysed with non-linear finite-element analyses and analytical models either proposed by design codes or available in the literature. The research agrees well with the philosophy of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, which offers different analytical and numerical calculation methods for evaluating the design shear resistance of reinforced concrete members according to different levels of approximation. For the three slabs investigated in this study, it indeed pays to use higher levels of approximation. The highest level (level IV) based on non-linear finite element analysis gives the highest design load resistance, but still well below the resistance obtained experimentally.
Erschienen in:     Structural Concrete 15 (2014), Heft 3
Seite/n:     317-330
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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