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Elghazouli, Ahmed Y.; Packer, Jeffrey A.
Seismic design solutions for connections to tubular members
A review of seismic design solutions for connections is presented in this paper, with particular focus on methods that are already “pre-approved” or “acceptable to code” for use by engineers in steel-framed structures using hollow sections. This review is intended to illustrate the limited options currently available to structural engineers. The survey mainly covers European and North American design solutions, but the latter are also heavily influenced by Japanese practice. The scope includes both braced frame connections (utilizing hollow sections for the bracing members at least) and unbraced frame connections (utilizing hollow section columns), the latter including both rigid and semi-rigid beam-to-hollow section column connections. Dissipative and non-dissipative connection types are considered where appropriate. Emphasis is placed on connection configurations and concepts rather than detailed design information, but references to other sources are given for further details. Areas in which there is a paucity of established design guidance are noted, and the review concludes with recommendations for further research and development regarding specific types of connections to hollow sections subjected to seismic loading.
Erschienen in:     Steel Construction 7 (2014), Heft 2
Seite/n:     73-83
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:     Englisch

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